Wednesday, February 10, 2010

America rose to superpower status under a liberal president named Roosevelt: true or false?

Very trueAmerica rose to superpower status under a liberal president named Roosevelt: true or false?
False. We rose to power because after World War 2. Roosevelt died before the end of the war. The reason why we rose to power was because all the industrialized nation was destroyed, but ours. We were the only one that wasn't bombed. The only thing that Roosevelt might have done to help us rise to power was that his liberal stance caused us to enter the war late. If we entered it earlier, we might have salvaged more of England. Of course if we entered the war early, We would have saved alot more lives. I think saving more lives out weighs any economic gains. Should we now call Roosevelt the WORSE president ever, for not recognizing the threat of the Axis power and responsible for the deaths of millions!!!America rose to superpower status under a liberal president named Roosevelt: true or false?
America did not enter the war until directly attacked by Japan so to answer the question: NO. FDR was an isolationist who actually supported both Stalin and Hilter by his actions of not stopping either of them before the scale of WW2 was so large America had no choice and until Dec. 6th 1941.

America rose to superpower status the day Truman dropped the two bombs on Japan and Europe was in shambles not because Roosevelt was a liberal and during the 40,s 50s and 60s even Dems knew of the value of National Defense unlike the swine Dems of today.
Roosevelt yes but you have the wrong one.

Teddy, paraded our great white fleet of ships around the globe to demonstrate our dominance of the seas a few decades before Franklin ever thought of being president. And Teddy was a true conservative.

';Speak softly, and carry a big stick.';

All praise Teddy Roosevelt
True,but at that time they weren't called liberals..Just democrats..This is a common error among many Americans,as there are republicans

with liberal(progressive thinking) mentality,in fact one only needs to take a look at Abe Lincoln..

EDIT: O.k. deeanna he was a liberal but still ...I hate labels!
false accually... during roosevelts tenure the US was protectionist until the war began...the war did not make us a super power... we became a super power with the martial plan ... which gave europe back its life. our aid programs are far more respected then our military might... some beleave that super power status came with the atomic bomb... but the bomb was used on trumans watch...
America rose to superpower status under the guidance of many people both liberal and conservatives. It is now tearing itself apart with the petty bickering and do anything for a buck attitude of both parties.
We would have rose to super power status with or without Roosevelt. World war two spurred massive manufacturing in this country that not even an idiot like Obama as president could have screwed up at the time. God bless.
Democrat does not mean False.
Well, it's very powerful country, the usa, it's been one for a while, but it seems as though it defeats its enemies by using others to assist it to do it's dirty work.

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