Thursday, February 4, 2010

False Buddhist teachers popping out with false names?

Funny how false sages (teachers)pop out to attack me when I protect the Lotus sutra. They tried to teach me crime and when refused they accused me of mixing teachings and they teach false teachings for mind control to force me to silence and they belittle the good once by twisting the lotus sutra , so the good once leave. I know Lotus Sutra since a child and I will not allow false teachings , com on pop up again get lads to harrass by visiting my neighbours to prompt them into abusing me and go on confront me where I am getting my stats from and intimadate me at your bent meetings. love to all tippiFalse Buddhist teachers popping out with false names?
There are many false teachings in the world.

There are many valuable views, too!

Each offers a lesson.False Buddhist teachers popping out with false names?
Since the main tenets are destroying greed, hatred and delusion (the cause of all suffering) so that man can attain perfect enlightenment - you obviously failed very badly!!

You appear only to be here to attack Buddhism!!!!

Put your anger, hatred and ill will behind you and get on with your life. If you do not it will eat away at you!!

It sounds like you would benefit from a visit to your doctor as well!!!

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