For more understanding of what God says about idols read Isaiah 44. Idolatry is spoken of throughout the bible- It is anything that takes place of God. How many false idols (gods) can you name?
How much room do you want to allow me? All joking aside ... look around on Sunday mornings what people are doing instead of attending church. Whatever keeps one from worshiping God is an idol.
Examples: People out washing their cars, gardening, jogging, boating, fishing, attending sporting events, shopping, eating out, and the list could go on and on.
An idol is not just a statue of something that one bows down to in worship but anything that keeps one from worshiping the one true God.How many false idols (gods) can you name?
Popular False Idols Today
1. The Bible (Those who worship the Bible as if it were God, and it's words, written by men with names like Paul, Moses and David, are worshipping an idol they falsely claim to be a God)
2. Sports Figures. (This is pretty self explanatory)
3. Their own Opinions.
Love of self in opposition to God, love of whole-souled pursuit of money, love of all things in opposition to God.
The god of Nationalism, the god of War, the god of Child pornography who is very closely related to the god of sexual abuse and exploitation.
The god of intolerance, and the god of racism, the god of slander and gossip, the god of being a slave to your stomach, the god of Sloth, as well as all those mythological, and of course the father of the lie, and murder, and them all : Satan.
like you said any thing that either comes before god or takes the place of him.any worship that needs an aid is probably not worth your time.
a few things to consider:
a rosary
praying hands
the virgin mary (statues of)
which craft
white magic
dark magic
any anchaint roman or egyptian gods
the anti crist
preachers that teach that they are god
preachers that tell you the only way you can get to heaven is with cash donations
that should get you rolling.
keep adding to the list.
Jesus is a good start. And other name you use to refer to your magical sky daddy.
You do realize, don’t you, that the christian cult guide book is nothing more than fairy tales and boogeyman stories written by men in order to keep the uneducated masses amused, in line, and obeying commands to further the authors’ own socio-economic agenda?
answer: Isn't arrogance and judging others a sin? Congrats, ticket to hell is yours, just claim after death.
answer: How many OTHER gods can I name that are just as legitimate as yours? A multitude more than you, I've actually studied other religions instead of living in a box.
Want a taste? the Morrigan, Brigid, Rhiannon, Thor, Odin, Heimdall, Freya, Frigga, Freyr, Tyr, Skadhi, Ullr, Zeus, Mercury, Jupiter, Hera, Jove, Hermes, Ares, Mars, Diana, Artemis, Athena, Hecate, Inanna, Lilith, Dagon, Baal Berith, Buffalo Woman, Coyote, Great Spirit, Perun, Spider woman, Herne, Wayland the Smith, Dagda.....
How do you know other idols are false?In Hinduism idol worship is present.While praying to the idol a Hindu never thinks the idol is the final one. He sees the idol only as a
manifestation of that one GOD!!!
i can't name any. they're all real, and i don't care the least bit about what your god says about mine. your god is wrong. deal with it.
Zeus, mars, hercules, pluto, satan, the Pierson king that faced the Spartans
American Idol
Australian Idol
Crusty the clown
Bart Simpson
Osam Bin Laden...
this is just the few i can list
money, your family, drugs, fame, anything of the material world.
All of them.
All deities are equally viable, even yours.
American Idol.
Material things
Microsoft ?
I'll start with the obvious ones:
Every single one.
Yahoo Answers.
So I suppose you live your life completely by the Bible then? If so...I feel so, so sorry for you!
All gods are false.
All gods are fake.
How many things other than God do you pray to?
There's your answer. And don't try to tell me it's not 0.
sweet pea you need to stay out of the tanning bed,give your skin a some fruit too!
How rude can you be?
Jesus Christ
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