can they go back to their car and check photo or view photo licence of the person who owns the false name i gave?If cop pulls me over %26amp; i give them no licence but false can they check this?
Answer: Your ';no licence'; (license) has you incarcerated from jump street!
No bio-metrics in squad cars yet to do a DNA...YET!
But with folks with questions like this...I am confident that, that is coming!If cop pulls me over %26amp; i give them no licence but false can they check this?
If the run the name you gave them and there is no information on that name or the information you gave does not match the information the officer received, they will assume that you have provided false information.
You will be taken to jail on an obstruction charge and you will be held until your identification can be confirmed. After that, you may face even more charges or released. The car would be towed and possibly confiscated (you would not get it back). You would have a black mark on YOUR record for impersonation.
Of course, whatever else you were charged with would show up there too.
A law enforcement officer has every right to ask for ID and YOU are legally obligated to provide it. Is giving false information really going to be worth all that trouble?
You will be arrested for driving without a license. I'm not going to give away the secrets to our job.
I took a guy to jail for that and he gave me his new roommate's name. Guess what? His new roommate was wanted in another state for 3 murders. It was hilarious watching that smug look on his face disappear when I told him of the warrants. He started singing like a canary...
Be careful should you decide to give a false name.
You could rephrase your question to ';Can you please help me obstruct the police in their legal activities so that I will get away with it?';
Don't look at me to help you waste the constable's time.
I am going to arrest you and you will sit in jail until we can figure out who you are.
They have records that when you are arrested they will find out who you really are, then they will list your alias name in your record. You are building yourself a good little life there.
they will want some kind of id with your name on it. anything. plus they will want your social security number and address. if you dont have it they take you to the police station and print you.
Easy, if the info you give us (name, dob, etc) comes back to someone who doesn't look like you, you're busted! ex: you: white, 5'10, 225. info comes back to a black male, 6'5, 180. the cop is definately going to know something is wrong. even worse you give him a name of a friend, and the cop knows that person!
They can and probably will give you a ticket for not, having it on you in the first place, and they will run your tags to see who the car belongs to. If its not who you say you are, they can tow the car. Your best bet is to be honest. Everything will come to light and that's more trouble for you when it does! hope it helps
In the state of Florida, if an officer asks you to identify yourself in the midst of an investigation (ie car stop, incident, etc.), you are required by law to give him some type of information that he can verify who you are. That can be your name, a photo ID, a driver's license, your social security number, etc.
If you refuse to cooperate, then you can be taken down to the station where they will take your finger prints to try and find out who you are. If no prints are on file, they can keep you in custody until they finally identify you.
Now, if you are driving a car that is yours, they merely have to run your plates. Or look for the car's registration to run. If you give them a false name, and the description comes back wrong, you're off to the station. If you give a bogus name and it's a skip, you are off to the station.
And if you don't have a driver's license, you can be arrested. So the lesson here is, don't drive without a license and don't give police officers bogus information and you will probably avoid a trip to the police station.
yes, impersonating some one else is a serious offense
They do have computers in thier cars.
An answer that seems strange invites more questions. In some jurisdictions you can be arrested for failure to carry and present an operator's license.
I've had a few try that dodge. It doesn't work. I have the vehicle towed, and the person goes into custody until I can verify who they really are.
Then the charges get filed.
It's really not worth it but feel free to dig yourself a deep hole.
Understand one thing, everything is done in stages. No license, then run the name through the database along with the birth date. No records, bells start going off. Screw up the information, bells get louder. Next thing you know you will be looking at what your tax money pays for that holds idiots.
Seriously, this is a stupid in a no stupid zone idea. Look at your license, see all that information that is on it? Police have access to that information.
I've had that pulled on me more than once or twice. I get the registration. Then ask if they are the person on the registration. If they answer yes. I run the name and registration and that will usually get me to the license data. If not, then what other document do they have with a name on it. None? Then I hold them there while I locate the owner of the vehicle, the probable cause is the vehicle might be stolen. Once they realize they aren't going anywhere, I usually get a name.
One officer on a former department I worked at pulled a fellow over who gave a false name but could not produce any ID. The officer ran the name and it came back as an NCIC hit. The officer asked the man if he was so and so from Denver. The guy thought if he said he was he take a ticket in somebody else's name and he'd be home free. So he agreed he was that person. The officer arrested him on the NCIC want for Rape out of Denver. Of course, then the guy said he was just fooling around. Spent the night in jail until his parents came down to the station to verify his identity. Then he got some expensive tickets to top everything off.
Back before they had computers in their cars my friend, who always had a warrant or two hanging over his head, found a squeaky clean Mormon guy who fit his description and used him as an alias. He followed the guy to his residence and got his name and address off his mail box. He was a passenger with me one night when I got pulled over. It just happened that neither of of had our wallets with us. This was an accident for me but, not for him. He had two misdemeanor warrants out at the time. He proceeded to give the officer the alias and within five minutes we were sailing right on down the road. We were in our mid twenties at the time and he told me that he had been using this guys name and address since we were juniors in high school. He said that it worked every time. Ain't that somethin'?
Thumb's down for an incident that really did occur in Auburn, CA in 1988. Well I can tell the mentality of the badged up folks on this site. I'll give myself a thumb's up for an honest and correct answer then BOYS %26amp; GIRLS IN BLUE!!!!
Take you and get you fingerprinted. Driving w/out license. False information. Towed car. Enjoy jail.
When my car was stolen, the thief gave a false name - one that was linked to 27 felony arrests and currently had several warrants out for his arrest.
It took awhile before they figured out that he wasn't that guy - but they probably treated him more roughly than they would have if they knew he just had a couple of juvi reports.
After reading through your answers so far there are some good ones. I suggest you take note of the response from ';Ken L';. Not all police vehicles have computers on-board. But there is always Police Radio with plenty of info to help identify.the driver. If there are still any questions about your identity, you will be grilled for info that you couldn't possibly know about the ';fake name'; you gave. Current address, last address, date of birth, any previous names, who does the vehicle belong to, any other ID? If things don't match up... it's back to the station until you can provide evidence. If you drive, always carry your licence with you!
Good luck if you gave the name of someone else and they find out.
Thru NCIC...arrest records
You mean he wont run your license plate/tag?
Failing to provide details could mean you end up the back seat passenger with a free trip to the station, until they are satisfied about your identity.
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