For example, Were you called names like Fat Albert or Theodore from the Chipmunks because you were overweight?
nicked name something else mean because something else might've been wrong with you back like having zcne.True or False: You were called mean names as a kid?
True. Geez...this is going to be a huge list. But...I was made fun of for...
--Being too fat,
--being too poor,
--being ';too smelly';,
--talking ';too prissy'; (using good grammar, not cussing),
--being ';too smart';,
--being ';too nice';,
--dressing too poor,
--being called ';pizza face'; for having bad skin days,
--talking funny (being the new kid in school, moving in from out of state, so I had a dialect, yeah),
--being called a wuss, crybaby, a momma's boy,
--being an over-aggressive half-psycho to *compensate* for the ';wuss, crybaby'; crap,
--For wearing dress slacks to school when other kids wore jeans (my folks couldn't *find* cheap jeans in my size...and the ones they found always shrank),
--For wearing horn-rimmed glasses (and being called ';Clark Kent';)....and on rare occasion (once or twice total) having to tape the frames together until I could get a new pair from the eye doctor. -_-
I got this crap at school *and* at home from my own family.
And yeah, it left scars. ^_^ Sorry. But hey, I get it now.
People will reject you unless you're young, tiny, cute and/or rich. They will, that's all they do. I get that. ^_^
Hey, whatever works, you know? Whatever lets you sleep at night. Good Question by the way....True or False: You were called mean names as a kid?
Thanks for the Best Answer... ^_^ Now if only I could find this person who emailed me. It was through Yahoo Answers, but when I search for the Profile, nothing comes up...hmmmm....
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only once..... really i got along with everyone but this one time i went to an all black school and they were kinda mean to me and called me cracker but it didnt bother me because i am proud of who i am...not trying to offend anyone.
True, i was called George of the jungle, and im 26, some dumb grown ups will call me that.
Yes and I believe everyone has been. It's been so long I can't remember what it was. Just kids being mean.
my goodness.of course they did!I HATED IT.
True, sadly.
But hey, I've moved on. Forgive and forget.
True. I was teased in elementary school because I had acne and a broad nose (I still hate my nose to this day lol).
I think everyone was at some point.
I DID THIS TO TAKE UP SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C'mon,who wasn't?
true, i was called yellow-butt in 5th grade because i had yellow paint on the back of my pants from art. a whole year of that....
i was never teased in school, however i am sad to say i was the one who spoke my mind and protected my self so if someone did try to talk crazy to me i would put them in there place im still like this but in a mature lady like fashion!
What abt you?
i just remembered my best friend use to call me bubble butt but i ignored him he was just a young teen with raging hormones.
True, in elementary I was called 'moco', you see my name is Marco and in spanish 'moco' means booger
True. They used to call me ';Twinkie';.
Sort of. My ex boyfriend called me ';FUB';. Fat Ugly B****.
yes. but i didnt get to hear it all because i tore their lips off while they were in the middle of saying it.
My nickname is Krissy, so I was called Pissy a lot...
I also had a teacher at school call me crusty (a play on words for Kristy...I'm assuming)...I'm not sure why for sure other than he thought he was being funny...last I could tell, I wasn't really crusty...
I got made fun of a lot for my last name as well. The spelling of it as well as how it actually sounded made for great laughs, I guess...
True: People from school always admired me but my parents called me every name in the book. They put me down and really damaged my mind. They were mad at each other and took it out on me. I'm grown now and still affected by it.
True. But it was a one-time thing. ';Indian Giver'; I gave someone candy but somebody else wanted it, so I gave it to him instead. We're such nice little kids.
TRUE...MONKEY! Cause I had hairy arms! Sniffle, sniffle.... I tried everything from bleaching to shaving. (don't try that one). It did really hurt when I was a kid. But, now that I'm out of the cruel school environment, I really don't care. If I don't notice, then other people don't either. And I found out that arms were quite a way down on the list of what men noticed on the radar.
Oh yeah, I've was called toothpick, zit face, no chest (still am very small, but that's what the good lord gave me, so it's all good). I'll tell you what, a lot of these same people look terrible now (I'm 53) and I'm told how good I look for my age, people can't believe I'm as old as I am, but that's because I take care in my health . I don't use fancy creams, just good old face cream, but I live a clean and healthy life. I've been told I look about 40-45 at the most and they all look like old men now. Who's laughing now, me. Only I don't gloat about it. I'm me and that's all I can be.
False im b-e-a-utiful
false i was the caller not the callee
True......I was called ';Big Bra Barbara';... I filled out a little sooner than every one else.
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