part true and part false.
There is only one God.
However, there is only the one God of the Bible.True or false there is only one god different people have different names for him but he is the one and only?
hmm.. I know hes The one and only God but at my church we call him Jehovah, Lord, father, and so on. DRAAGON how can you say there is no God! you make me furious boy!
There is Only One True God.
This one and only true God's followers are His peculiar people, He knows who are His, and those who are not worships a different god.
That god is the ';god of this world';, mentioned in the Bible.
True, his name is Mitchell Henderson.
False in all respects.
There are no real gods.
They are all the product of mankind's fertile imagination.
There's even less than that.
extremely true. furthermore, that is the cause of all the fighting in the world and disagreement even amongst different aspects of a particular religion.
in fact, denying that there is one G-d with infinite names would be to disprove what people are trying to say. If the almighty is Allah, he is most certainly Adonai, Krishna, Great Spirit, etc. All depending on how one relates to The Almighty. For every name is not just a name, but a personality. All mighty, all knowing, all attractive, all merciful, etc. The Alpha and the Omega could not be, without including everythin g in between. Yes?
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
The truth is that Jesus is God. And only Jesus saves.
Salvation is a free gift that happens in a split second of time! You can't work your way into heaven. The truth is that the Bible makes how to go to heaven clear and easy. The only way to be saved and go to heaven and not the eternal lake of fire is by believing in this life that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose again (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved! It doesn't take a lifetime. It takes only a second in believing the Gospel.
Pray right now: ';Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose again. Thank You for eternal life!'; You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die :)
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